I spent many years trying to find my keys, tripping over clothes and frantically searching for my passport.
I know from personal experience that being overwhelmed without organisation, leads to twice the stress.
Owning an eco- cleaning business, I have seen the difference surroundings can make.
When houses are clean, flowers appear on tables and cushions on sofas- people have the time and space to enjoy the flourishes of life.
This lead me to decluttering.
Decluttering is about becoming present with ourselves, trusting our decisions and making space for our future.
Having a clear, organised environment, creates a base that can impact the rest of our lives.
Over the last 12 years, I have changed the way I live by creating habits that are supportive and sustainable.
My desire to share this with others, led me to train with the Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers.
Using skills from project management and facilitation roles, I have created a clearing and organisation process.
It is designed to support people to make lasting changes.
Having an organised home, can help us to stay in balance and feel calm.
We can then spend our time in meaningful and fulfilling ways.
Create Space, for a life more lived.
My Story
Create space at home,